My middle school years went by in a flash. I was sure that you were gone forever. I stopped thinking about you and I had accepted the fact that this crush was lost in a sea of adolescent drama. But in high school I was re-united with your face and immediately remembered what they had told em in fourth grade. You are popular and now everyone envys who you have become. I still love you and I think you only know my name in passing as "that bitchy girl who no one likes".
It makes me really sad that all these years I was thinking about you and hoping that someday I would know you. But it never happened and now you are leaving. All these years I wanted so much to just tell you this sad story and about how much I wanted to talk to you. It's almost impossible at this point and I couldn't even tell you how much I will miss you. Please remember as more than just "that girl"......

When I clicked on the post secret picture it took me to a different page titled "matty".
p.s. that is such a cute story.
haha that's what i saved the picture as. I didnt know that would happen
who is it?
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